Resistance band is a simple but brilliant idea in physical fitness. You can exercise anytime and almost anywhere, even in your own home. Buy a set of strong ribbons in various resistance levels for a complete home gym. Resistance band is a color code according to resistance. Thin yellow and offer the least resistance, red resistant, heavy green. Extra heavy blue sports band. The black bands are very large and the silver training ribbon is very heavy. Start small and travel when you build your strength and durability. Using resistance bands at home is much safer than using free weight. The risk of injury due to free weight increases when you add weight at the bar. It is recommended that someone see you when the bench presses the weight to avoid injury from the fallen bar. You can get the same muscle exercises using a heavy sports ribbon as your home gym exercise. Use a pair of resistance bands to add strong resilience to your squat. Start by placing the resistance ribbon under each ...